Solving indoor locating issues.
For complex multi-level site is crucial. Because you need to know you can communicate with you lone worker’s and know they can be quickly located in the event of an accident or emergency.
Devices to use.
indoor locating due to building complexities.
The Safety Watch
The first lone worker safety watch to communicate via Wi-Fi. Increased protection in poor signal areas.
Essential features
Twig One
Powerful, multi-functional lone worker device. Designed for complex working environments
Essential features
Twig One Atex
Intrinsically safel lone worker device. Designed for complex working environments
Essential features
Accessories to use.
Combining the accessories with the devices enables indoor locating through proximity beacons.
Customise them in The OWL Portal to be able to see which floor, level or room people are on and for how long.
Bluetooth Beacons
Place the beacons on walls, within troublesome signal areas or on vehicles for pin point accuracy.
Essential features
Use inconjunction with
RF Door Tags
Registers movements at door ways. Sensor provides device identity and and position reporting in real time
Essential features
Use inconjunction with
Twig Beacons
Used when GPS is not reliable and other methods do. not provide accuracy.
Essential features
Use inconjunction with
A powerful combination.
The red rectangles are beacons. When a device enters the this location it reports the name of the room into The OWL Portal. This enables you to identify who is where on site, both in an emergency and under normal operation.
Boosting Connectivity.
Using GSM Mobile connectivity booster. Protecting lone workers in low signal areas
The amplifier receives the mobile telephone signal using. small external antenna, this amplifies the signal on site and then sends the signal to the relevant areas on site. The interface – free and easy to install amplifier receives the mobile telephone signal using a small external antenna, amplifies the signal and then sends the signal to the area on site.
Get started TODAY.
Start protecting your lone workers today and sign up for our free 30 day trial.