Lone worker monitoring.
Leading lone worker safety monitoring systems which are an ideal solution when it comes to safe working in the workplace for a rapid response.
What are lone worker monitored alarms?
A lone worker system is not a one size fits all solution. At LONEALERT we provide 4 responses to lone worker alarms to ensure your worker will always get the quickest response if an incident should happen. Not all incidents are an emergency that will require emergency intervention.
The main purpose of lone worker monitoring is for your employees to be able to immediately send alerts in the event of an emergency. In many situations where the lone worker alarm is used time is of the essence and so the ability to instantly send alerts saves time and allows the emergency service professionals to reach your employee as quickly as possible.
We have successfully implemented our monitoring systems with a number of different companies in differing industries. Many of our products link up to our mobile lone worker app making response to a situation quicker and easier.
Our response times.
A panic button is pressed during an emergency, or an alert is triggered after a missed check-in or a fall.
After the alarm is triggered, The OWL Portal receives the alert within 10 seconds.
Once The OWL Portal has received the alert, your specified response path is initiated.
Have different lone worker monitored response based on times of day, shift patterns.
A combined Response.